Chelsea Geldean draws arrangements of random shapes, patterns and objects

Art has existed since ages ago. There are evidence that early men who did not have a literary language and could only make sounds like animals used to draw patterns for communication of information. They can be called the first artworks, and the early men, the first artists. Drawing of patterns, shapes and objects exists even today but in a more defined manner as it has become part of fine arts. Drawing of random shapes and patterns in arts is one of the toughest genres to understand for admirers.

Artists draw architecture, living creatures, humans, etc. Abstract drawings may include all of them in a way that cannot be imagined or expected. Drawings of random patterns, shapes and objects and be abstract or real too. An artist may choose to create unique arrangement of real objects or of abstracts shapes and patterns. Since art is one of the most liberal and free form of expression of thoughts, there are few restrictions and constraints in the domain. That is why it is one of the best representatives of imagination in the physical world. Due to the same reason, there are not rigid rules about drawing patterns and shapes. An artist can use both real objects and abstract shapes and patterns in his/her work. Use colour adds another dimension to the artwork, which can range from black and white to rainbow-colourful.

Examples of fine art using random patterns, shapes and objects can be seen in creations of Chelsea Geldean Art. She draws random patterns, shapes and objects that arranged together like a collage. She remains completely engrossed in her art and gives her entire free time to it. She is most appreciative of the surreal art since it welcomes her into another world that cannot be entered physically.

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