What are the benefits of Bikram Yoga?

A class with people practicing yoga, sweating "seas" since they are over 40 degrees as if they were doing yoga on the beach in the middle of Summers. Have you seen it in your gym?

Bikram Yoga and was born 40 years ago, but it has been established in the Netherlands in the last decade. It is a variant of physical yoga, based on performing postures to reach meditation. The novelty is that it is done in rooms at 42 degrees and very high humidity, making heat and sweat a fundamental element.

What is Exactly Bikram Yoga?

Bikram yoga Utrecht poses are intended for temperature in India and the benefits of heat vasodilation. So, Bikram yoga Utrecht mimics the same hot environment.

Bikram yoga Utrecht covers 26 of the 84 classical positions of Hatha Yoga. The heat helps to carry out some of the postures. These are performed in a one and a half hour session, where a few breathing exercises are also performed.

The Benefits of Practicing Bikram Yoga

The main ones are the same as those obtained in other variants of physical yoga, in addition to those provided by greater vasodilation by heat. It would be something like adding a little sauna to the training, that's why it is also called Hot Yoga.

Bikram yoga Utrecht Improve flexibility, as the heat allows you to complete some exercises more easily and shortens the time you do it.

  • Strengthens the muscles.
  • It improves cardiovascular conditions in general.
  • You clean toxins from the body since you usually sweat a liter of water per session.
  • You achieve full relaxation, in this case, similar to that of other yoga practices.

Is Bikram Yoga Better?

It is not bad, as no yoga practice is bad. But it is also not scientifically proven that it is more beneficial than the classic.

In fact, the latest study by the University of Texas professors concluded that it brings the same benefits as yoga at a lower temperature.

The study has compared several people before and after a few months of practice at several different yoga centers. It concludes that the cardiovascular and flexibility benefits were comparable in both.

Do You Have Risks of This Modality?

It is a type of yoga that is not very aggressive in terms of postures. There is none in an inverted position, for example. Almost all of them can be done almost from the first day with a little practice.

Therefore Bikram yoga Utrecht is open to practically anyone, from the neophyte to those who have been practicing yoga for a long time.

