Is soy sauce bad for your health?

Mind and Body Archives - Diet and Nutrition

Is soy sauce bad for your health?

Can you reduce soy sauce?

Do you enjoy the ease of preparation and love the taste of Asian cuisine, but are concerned about the high sodium content of many recipes?

Has your doctor advised you to lower the sodium in your diet?

Have you been diagnosed with above normal blood pressure?

Most of us have exceeded the recommendation to consume less than 2.4 grams (2400 milligrams) of sodium per day. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend that you consume no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day.

Your decision to reduce sodium in your diet will be a smart and healthy choice. Research has proven that lower sodium diets had blood pressure lowering benefits, can keep blood pressure from rising, and allow blood pressure medicines to work more effectively.

In this series of articles, we will explore recipes that will enhance many favorite Asian dishes without the addition of sodium.

Much of the sodium content in Asian cuisine is found in the sauces. Soy sauce, which is a major ingredient in many Asian recipes, has a value of 1005 milligrams per tablespoon! There are commercial brands that are labeled reduced sodium, however these may contain a value of 840 milligrams of sodium per tablespoon!

We need an alternative which has little or no sodium content. Perhaps, the following recipe will do just that. It can be used as a substitute when recipes call for the addition of soy sauce. I will call it "Dragon Tears."


2 tablespoons Sodium Free Beef Bouillon

2 teaspoons Red Wine Vinegar

1 teaspoon Molasses

1/8 teaspoon Ground Ginger

1 dash Black Pepper

1 dash Garlic Powder

3/4 cup Water

In a small saucepan, combine and boil gently uncovered about 5 minutes or till mixture is reduced to 1/2 cup.

Store in refrigerator (do not store in a metallic container). Stir before using. You can make large batches, it will keep very well refrigerated, and will be used in many of your favorite Asian dishes.

Is soy sauce bad for your health?

Advantages of soy sauce:

Contains niacin, manganese, and proteins that is good for proper body health

It contains anti oxidant properties and this helps in fighting cardio vascular diseases

It helps to fight cancer and also causes weight loss

Cures diarrhea effectively

The sodium in soy can act as a substitute for table salt

It reduces cholesterol by fighting the LDL

It reduces the risk of prostate cancer

Disadvantages of consuming soy sauce:

Damages the thyroid glands

Soy sauce is high in sodium, and this can be lethal to people with high blood pressure

Soy contains high levels of isoflavones which raises the estrogen levels while lowering the testosterone levels. As such a couple that consumes soy will always be in a cross mix.

Increased risks of breast cancer due to the high presence of isoflavones

It negatively affects the absorption of minerals as well as inhibits the breakdown of proteins. This is due to the presence of Phytates and trypsin.

Oxalates in soy sauce can cause kidney stones while phytoestrogen can cause kidney failure.

There is a strong relationship between the asthmatic condition and high consumption of soy sauce.

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