What Are The Differences Between Normal Backup Vs. Jetbackup's WHM Easy Backup?

Few website owners fail to back up their site regularly. Is it important to backup your cPanel/WHM accounts regularly? Of course, backing up your cPanel and WHM accounts regularly is an incredibly important step to plan for any emergency.

What could go wrong?

There are many possibilities like hackers, hardware failure, data loss during software upgrades, etc… Sometimes one might accidentally delete their files, making it hard to retrieve the files again. There are two choices with this mistake. First, use the regular backups. If anything happened to your data, retrieve your data from the latest backup. If you don’t have the backup of your site, you have to develop it all once again from scratch. Plus, you may lose the credibility. Because of this, it is always advisable to do a regular backup.

Why JetBackup?

We have used many cPanel/WHM backups’ tools and techniques. Most of the time, we have to backup manually or perform automated backups with a few restrictions. The traditional cPanel/WHM backups are out-dated. JetApps’s exclusive product to backup cPanel/WHM called JetBackup makes backing up WHM easy. Let us see how JetBackup is better than the old, traditional backups:

  • JetBackup can backup the data directly to the remote location.
  • Jetbackup offers the multiple backup jobs to multiple destinations. Other backup service providers also give this option. But, JetBackup let you backup on the cloud or on your local drive, etc…
  • It offers the WHMCS module to sell backup services
  • WHM Auto Backup is very easy.
  • It offers the Point-in-time local timestamp
  • JetBackup can perform the remote incremental backups.
  • You can use the WHM Backup Script plus as a web host manager; you can limit backup space and inodes for your users.

It is important to backup your cPanel/WHM account regularly, but it is hard to do manually. There are advertisements regarding backup services. Today, backup is must for any online business. Remember, it is not about just data. It is your trustworthiness and credibility among your customers. JetBack helps to resolve this problem. It offers many revolutionary options to backup your cPanel and WHM account regularly without much effort. It is effective and efficient. It helps to WHM Backup All Accounts.

JetApps offers products to backup, restore, migrate and replicate your data using JetBackup and JetClone. To know more about us, please visit our website HERE: https://www.jetapps.com
